by Corey Black
I wrote a piece a couple of years ago that goes as follows:
You been looking for Mr. Right for so long,
that you can't help but to keep running into Mr. Wrong.
Last song, last chance, you won't get another chance,
For you, there are no flowers, candy, or romance.
God has plans for you, but you're trying to write another one,
You're trying to get over one man by getting under another one.
No wonder you are so consistent with your strikes,
You keep on missing, this is why you'll be a Miss for the rest of your life..."
I went on to say some other very specific things, but we won't get into that right now. I really wanted to focus on THE MAIN REASON YOU CAN'T FIND A GOOD MAN. There is a very simple explanation to this: Good men are not to be found, they are too busy looking for good women. Pow. That's it, that's as simple as I can say it, but this will still go over some heads, so I will try my best to break this down. If this offends you in anyway, then find the nearest mirror and evaluate the reflection.
First off, let's acknowledge the top 15 things that makes good man:
(In no particular order)
1. Listener
2. Loving
3. Caring
4. Faithful
5. Honest
6. Respectful
7. Loyal
8. God-Fearing
9. Responsible
10. Supportive
11. Financially Stable
12. Dependable
13. Romantic
14. Thoughtful
15. Committed
These are the things women want in a man. The reason I know this is because these are the things I have been told I've needed to be in every single relationship I have ever been in. I'll admit, I've fallen short of glory many times, but mainly because I just felt like I wasn't with the right person that actually deserved all of that from me. Amazingly, I found a person that can get all of that... let me say that again: Amazingly
I FOUND a person that can get all of that. The beauty of it is that I didn't have to look very hard to find her, she was always around, I just didn't notice her until it was time.
Everybody's situation is different, but guess what, men are the same. All men think the same way. We are not checking for the chick that takes a billion pictures of herself everyday to keep her instagram popping. We want the classy woman that is discreet about her personal life. No man has time to get in a relationship with a self-absorbed women, we ain't built like that. On top of that, a woman that expresses how bad she wants to be in a relationship is a
RED FLAG to every man, and that goes both ways. It will attract the thirsty guys that only want sex because they see you are desperate, and it will ward off the cool fellas that have mentally labeled you as an attention whore and possible "Clinger".

This includes posting pics of cleavage, half naked photos, thirst-filled song lyrics, struggle meal pics, tweets about Brazilian waxes, etc. No dude wants to be a part of that life, and if they do, it'll only be to have fun. After all the fun though, guess what, he's gonna proceed to look for what he never saw in you: A good woman. Now, don't take this the wrong way, a good woman is fun too. Actually, its more fun to have a whole entire relationship with the right person than it is to kick it with a woman that just wants to "hang out". Men want this, and we will search the Earth high and low for this. Finding the right woman is better than finding the rarest of diamonds. We live for this search, and yes, we do fall victim of being sidetracked by distractions. Distractions are what some people prefer to call "hoes"-even though she may not be having sex with a lot of men, she still wants a lot of men to show her some attention and goes out of her way to be seen. Those are tendencies that men pick up on and see right pass it.
Be the type of woman that a man has to search for, not Google search for. Every social network isn't
eHarmony. Be mysterious and leave something for our imagination. Us men are very peculiar creatures, but we are very simple. We live by an unwritten guy code, and a lot of women are in violation. I hope this post helps some.
So think twice before you take that picture of yourself making a "Kissie face", no man wants a woman that stuck on herself.