September 10, 2012

My Wicked Twenties

Joined the Marine Corps.
Live in Japan for a year.
Went around the world twice.
Got Married.
Got Divorced.
San Diego was beautiful.
Got shot at.
Got beat up.
Got jacked.
Got robbed.
Got arrested.
Made some lifelong friends.
Started writing poetry.
Became a drunk
Got arrested.
Started Rock Bottom.
Became heartless.
Started Rapping.
Started grinding.
Got betrayed.
Became relentless.
Found passion.
Broke hearts.
Came to life.
Moved back home.
Gave life.
Took life away.
Lived my dreams.
Lived my nightmares.
Found God.
Lost religion.
Painted pictures.
Whispered poems in crowded rooms.
Fell in lust.
Fell in love.
Contemplated Suicide.
Beat the gods.
Beat the devils.
Beat the odds.
Lost my mind.
Found my purpose.
Found The Force.
Found the source.
Became a man.
Found true love.
Became submissive.
Saved by grace.

Made it to age 30.

July 12, 2012


No hook. Just bars. Enjoy.

July 05, 2012


by Corey Black

Realistically, this doesn't apply to every man. There are however, a plethora of morbid individuals suffering from delusions of grandeur. This post is for them, and I strongly believe you know who you are. All these women are crazy, and can you blame them? They have to put up with guys like me and you . Let's take the focus off of them for a quick second and look at the root. You gotta get it together man. At the end of the day, there aren't that many excuses that we can give as to why we are the way we are. Simply put: YOU HAVE NO CLUE HOW TO GET A WOMAN.

I've been seeing this way too much lately. You have no goals. You have no plans. You have no ambitions, yet you have the audacity to sell women dreams. I'm not sure if this classifies you as a womanizer or a pimp, but whatever you are, its a cancer to the general population. Men have a certain role that we are supposed to play in the community. Quite frankly, there are a lot of lame dudes lurking in the shadows of the good guys. We have a lot of work we need to do if we are going to restore the current condition of mankind. I'm not a relationship counselor nor do I have all the answers, but I'm just gonna express what I feel needs to happen. Our sistas may still throw shade, but at least let's make it somewhat harder for them to feel justified in doing so.

Stop stuntin' and frontin' so much. Nobody cares. These women do not care about what you have. All of those club pics, party pics, the party life, the celebrity status, the faux persona... it doesn't make you cool. It doesn't make you attractive. Women ain't attracted to that fam. Stop imitating wanna-be wack rappers. I'm sorry, I feel like I'm ranting, but I'm getting passionate so let me refrain for going too emo on this post. Look, stop being so clueless. All it takes is for the right sitcom, movie, song, or video to come on at the right time and your entire thought process can change. Fortunately, reality loves to knock on the door and remind you that life is happening. The woman you're with doesn't have to look like she was just in a rap video or walking the red carpet. For the most part, a superficial bimbo isn't worth your time of day anyway. You gotta know how to play your cards. I'm not saying to run off and chase only Plain Janes, but c'mon man, be honest with yourself.

Maybe your mother didn't do something she was supposed to because she hated your father. Maybe your father didn't do sweet things for your moms in front of you on purpose. Maybe you don't like women. Whatever that case is, those are all excuses. Truth be told, if you wanted to treat her right, you would. That simple. Women know this. They may not have the slightest clue as to what they want or what makes them happy, but they do know what they don't like and what they can't stand. I know you probably think I'm coming down hard on you, but fam, I'm just trying to let you know straight up. There's a strong possibility that you need to work on yourself before you jump in a relationship and bring a perfectly stable woman down.

You aren't single because you haven't found the right woman, you're single because you're wack, and being in a relationship means you can no longer hide how wack you are. If this isn't the case, then I also understand that you probably just don't have time for a relationship right now. You are so focused on your career and whatever else you have going on that being involved with a woman at the stage just ain't for you. That's all love and I respect you for that, but do us a solid and leave these chicks alone. All you are doing is creating friction between the guys that are available and pursuing a compatible mate. You know that women want what they can't have and they love the challenge of trying to change a man, but step up to the plate and let em know from the jump that you really don't have time for her. Don't even tempt her with just being friends with benefits or a "buddy" because that's gonna confuse her when she starts talking to the guy that really is interested. In her mind she's thinking, "I'm not good enough for the guy I really want, so I'm not gonna settle for the guy that wants me..." and we are gonna look at her like she is crazy, but all the while, you were the maniac playing subliminal mind games. 

Get off your high horse. You aren't as desirable as you think you are. So what you copy and paste a few quotes and bible scriptures online every blue moon, that doesn't make you deep. You have to give yourself some more dimensions. Setting up thirst traps all day long on Twitter and Facebook doesn't give you personality. If need be, get  in touch with your feminine side my dude. Go to the library every now and then. Attend some events that aren't at a lounge, bar, or nightclub. For Christ's sake, read a book. Whatever you gotta do, just make sure you're doing it the right way.

I was told that I was going to lose all the women that you wanted before I found the woman I needed. I didn't know what that meant until it happened. Looking back, I was a complete scumbag, and did a whole lot of selfish things. For the most part, I'm just trying to drop you off a jewel and set you on the right path.


by Corey Black

I wrote a piece a couple of years ago that goes as follows:

"You been looking for Mr. Right for so long, 
that you can't help but to keep running into Mr. Wrong.
Last song, last chance, you won't get another chance,
For you, there are no flowers, candy, or romance.
God has plans for you, but you're trying to write another one,
You're trying to get over one man by getting under another one.
No wonder you are so consistent with your strikes,
You keep on missing, this is why you'll be a Miss for the rest of your life..."

I went on to say some other very specific things, but we won't get into that right now. I really wanted to focus on THE MAIN REASON YOU CAN'T FIND A GOOD MAN. There is a very simple explanation to this: Good men are not to be found, they are too busy looking for good women. Pow. That's it, that's as simple as I can say it, but this will still go over some heads, so I will try my best to break this down. If this offends you in anyway, then find the nearest mirror and evaluate the reflection.

First off, let's acknowledge the top 15 things that makes good man:
(In no particular order)
1. Listener
2. Loving
3. Caring
4. Faithful
5. Honest
6. Respectful
7. Loyal
8. God-Fearing
9. Responsible
10. Supportive
11. Financially Stable
12. Dependable
13. Romantic
14. Thoughtful
15. Committed

These are the things women want in a man. The reason I know this is because these are the things I have been told I've needed to be in every single relationship I have ever been in. I'll admit, I've fallen short of glory many times, but mainly because I just felt like I wasn't with the right person that actually deserved all of that from me. Amazingly, I found a person that can get all of that... let me say that again: Amazingly I FOUND a person that can get all of that. The beauty of it is that I didn't have to look very hard to find her, she was always around, I just didn't notice her until it was time.

Everybody's situation is different, but guess what, men are the same. All men think the same way. We are not checking for the chick that takes a billion pictures of herself everyday to keep her instagram popping. We want the classy woman that is discreet about her personal life. No man has time to get in a relationship with a self-absorbed women, we ain't built like that. On top of that, a woman that expresses how bad she wants to be in a relationship is a RED FLAG to every man, and that goes both ways. It will attract the thirsty guys that only want sex because they see you are desperate, and it will ward off the cool fellas that have mentally labeled you as an attention whore and possible "Clinger".

This includes posting pics of cleavage, half naked photos, thirst-filled song lyrics, struggle meal pics, tweets about Brazilian waxes, etc. No dude wants to be a part of that life, and if they do, it'll only be to have fun. After all the fun though, guess what, he's gonna proceed to look for what he never saw in you: A good woman. Now, don't take this the wrong way, a good woman is fun too. Actually, its more fun to have a whole entire relationship with the right person than it is to kick it with a woman that just wants to "hang out". Men want this, and we will search the Earth high and low for this. Finding the right woman is better than finding the rarest of diamonds. We live for this search, and yes, we do fall victim of being sidetracked by distractions. Distractions are what some people prefer to call "hoes"-even though she may not be having sex with a lot of men, she still wants a lot of men to show her some attention and goes out of her way to be seen. Those are tendencies that men pick up on and see right pass it.

Be the type of woman that a man has to search for, not Google search for. Every social network isn't eHarmony. Be mysterious and leave something for our imagination. Us men are very peculiar creatures, but we are very simple. We live by an unwritten guy code, and a lot of women are in violation. I hope this post helps some.

So think twice before you take that picture of yourself making a "Kissie face", no man wants a woman that stuck on herself.


July 03, 2012

POEM #139

by Corey Black

Maybe I stayed up this late for a reason.
 I could be sleep next to the woman of my dreams, but instead I am awake.  
Both televisions are on two different channels, but I’m not watching anything in particular.
 I have my headphones are on, but there is no music playing. 
I just like the way the ear buds feel. 
I want to start playing a song, but I can’t decide what I’m in the mood for. 
If I stall long enough, maybe God will whisper something remarkable and I get a chance to hear it.
 The ceiling fan is wobbling, but I can’t feel a breeze. 
The air conditioner refuses to kick on. 
I’m not hot at all. 
Summer is always beautiful, but the heat is horrid.
Time just stood still. 
Must be the full moon having her way with me.
I wish I learned to play the piano.
 I would title every ballad “Aginah”. 
Love keeps me up late. 
This won’t make sense until the end, I’m sure. 
It will finish the way it began. 
Autumn will be so nice this year. 
This planet has had me for three decades. 
I pray the winter isn’t too cold.  
I just heard the most beautiful silence. 
Patience is so lazy, but she is always on time. 
My ears itch, does my ego ever sleep? 
Exodus is such a beautiful song. 
Bob Marley was a king.
I’m blessed to be black, I always feel connected to the beginning of time. 
It’s time for me to take in her scent and rest. 
Glad I stayed up this late. 

June 19, 2012


In 1993, POETIC JUSTICE was the first movie I saw at the Drive-In. This is one of my favorite movies of all time, mainly because Janet Jackson was looking gorgeous with that whole hood chick, dookie braids, South Central appeal, and the great Tupac Shakur was starring. Joe Torry actually used to live right around the corner from me on Rowan. I relate to this movie on so many levels. I've been wanting to do this event for a year now, and it's finally time. The premise of POETIC JUSTICE is parallel to the movie script. Justice expressed herself through poetry, and Lucky put his energy in his music. We bring this element to life with a Live Poetry | Jam Session at 2847 Cherokee on the last Sunday of every month. Come and enjoy this experience if you are in St. Louis.

Click here to RSVP


Fashionista Bloggers




By the President of the United States of America:
A Proclamation.
Whereas, on the twenty-second day of September, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty-two, a proclamation was issued by the President of the United States, containing, among other things, the following, to wit:
"That on the first day of January, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty-three, all persons held as slaves within any State or designated part of a State, the people whereof shall then be in rebellion against the United States, shall be then, thenceforward, and forever free; and the Executive Government of the United States, including the military and naval authority thereof, will recognize and maintain the freedom of such persons, and will do no act or acts to repress such persons, or any of them, in any efforts they may make for their actual freedom.
"That the Executive will, on the first day of January aforesaid, by proclamation, designate the States and parts of States, if any, in which the people thereof, respectively, shall then be in rebellion against the United States; and the fact that any State, or the people thereof, shall on that day be, in good faith, represented in the Congress of the United States by members chosen thereto at elections wherein a majority of the qualified voters of such State shall have participated, shall, in the absence of strong countervailing testimony, be deemed conclusive evidence that such State, and the people thereof, are not then in rebellion against the United States."
Now, therefore I, Abraham Lincoln, President of the United States, by virtue of the power in me vested as Commander-in-Chief, of the Army and Navy of the United States in time of actual armed rebellion against the authority and government of the United States, and as a fit and necessary war measure for suppressing said rebellion, do, on this first day of January, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty-three, and in accordance with my purpose so to do publicly proclaimed for the full period of one hundred days, from the day first above mentioned, order and designate as the States and parts of States wherein the people thereof respectively, are this day in rebellion against the United States, the following, to wit:
Arkansas, Texas, Louisiana, (except the Parishes of St. Bernard, Plaquemines, Jefferson, St. John, St. Charles, St. James Ascension, Assumption, Terrebonne, Lafourche, St. Mary, St. Martin, and Orleans, including the City of New Orleans) Mississippi, Alabama, Florida, Georgia, South Carolina, North Carolina, and Virginia, (except the forty-eight counties designated as West Virginia, and also the counties of Berkley, Accomac, Northampton, Elizabeth City, York, Princess Ann, and Norfolk, including the cities of Norfolk and Portsmouth[)], and which excepted parts, are for the present, left precisely as if this proclamation were not issued.
And by virtue of the power, and for the purpose aforesaid, I do order and declare that all persons held as slaves within said designated States, and parts of States, are, and henceforward shall be free; and that the Executive government of the United States, including the military and naval authorities thereof, will recognize and maintain the freedom of said persons.
And I hereby enjoin upon the people so declared to be free to abstain from all violence, unless in necessary self-defence; and I recommend to them that, in all cases when allowed, they labor faithfully for reasonable wages.
And I further declare and make known, that such persons of suitable condition, will be received into the armed service of the United States to garrison forts, positions, stations, and other places, and to man vessels of all sorts in said service.
And upon this act, sincerely believed to be an act of justice, warranted by the Constitution, upon military necessity, I invoke the considerate judgment of mankind, and the gracious favor of Almighty God.
In witness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the United States to be affixed.
Done at the City of Washington, this first day of January, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty three, and of the Independence of the United States of America the eighty-seventh.

By the President: ABRAHAM LINCOLN 
WILLIAM H. SEWARD, Secretary of State.

June 05, 2012


The long-awaited follow up to War Machine... War Machine 2 hosted by DJ Smallz & DJ Shure Fire. Features from Killer Mike, I-20, Royce Da 5'9, Rockwell Knuckles, and more.

Click here to download.

May 14, 2012


MAY 19 | 2720 CHEROKEE 




Sunday, May 20, 2012, join us as we celebrate poetry. The Jam Session will join forces with poets from around the city to bring you a new type of open mic: Live Poetry!

This is a free event. FREE. (Contributions are welcomed)
7p- ??:??
______ Space @ 2847 Cherokee

April 19, 2012


Good morning world. No press release. No album release party. No listening party. No release date. No facebook event. No price tag. This is my gift to you. Poems that I want to share with you, and hopefully it helps you along your days. Absolutely free to download. If you wish to donate for to my artistry, you are welcome to do as such. Otherwise, sit back, relax, and enjoy the newness.

With no further adieu: STATE OF THE ART

April 16, 2012

Scipts 'N Screwz - Escalators

Check out the family SNS video for Escalators. Enjoy the dopeness.

Bonus track from 'The Hangover 2' EP from SNS (Scripts 'N Screwz). Produced by Trifeckta. Directed by Travis Crosby for Grey Area Media.

April 09, 2012

Aloha - Real Love Hotel

Quality sample. Great vocals. Awesome emotion. Beautiful song. Watch & listen.

Yasiin Bey- Sunshine Screwface Prod. By J Dilla

Was online and ran across this video of Yasiin in the studio in London. Figured I'd go ahead and rip it to an mp3 for you guys to enjoy, I myself shall indulge. Peep the footage below, the download is available as well.

April 06, 2012

Yasiin Bey, dead prez & Mike Flo Preview “Made You Die” [Trayvon Martin Tribute]

Armed Neo-Nazis Now Patrolling Sanford, Say They Are "Prepared" For Post-Trayvon Martin Violence

By Michael Miller 

Neo-Nazis are currently conducting heavily armed patrols in and around Sanford, Florida and are "prepared" for violence in the case of a race riot. The patrols are to protect "white citizens in the area who are concerned for their safety" in the wake of the Trayvon Martin shooting last month, says Commander Jeff Schoep of the National Socialist Movement. "We are not advocating any type of violence or attacks on anybody, but we are prepared for it," he says. "We are not the type of white people who are going to be walked all over."

Because nothing diffuses racial tension like gun-toting racial separatists patrolling an already on-edge community.

Schoep, whose neo-Nazi group is based in Detroit, tells Riptide the patrols are a response to white residents' fears of a race riot.
A group called the New Black Panther Party recently offered $10,000 for a citizens' arrest of George Zimmerman, Martin's shooter. Schoep said the bounty is a sign that "the possibility of further racial violence... is brimming over like a powder keg ready to explode into the streets."

The patrols are comprised of between 10 and 20 locals and "volunteers" from across the state, including some from Miami, he added. He couldn't go into specifics on what kind of firepower, exactly, the patrols had with them.

"In Arizona the guys can walk around with assault weapons and that's totally legal," Schoep said, referring to the group's patrols of the US-Mexico border. "What I can tell you is that any patrols that we are doing now in Florida are totally within the law."

Asked if the patrols wouldn't just make things worse -- spark a race riot, for instance -- Schoep insisted they were simply a "show of solidarity with the white community down there" and "wouldn't intimidate anybody."

"Whenever there is one of these racially charged events, Al Sharpton goes wherever blacks need him," Schoep said. "We do similar things. We are a white civil rights organization."

He went to great lengths to contrast his organization with the New Black Panther Party, who he blamed for scaring local whites and spurring the need for NSM patrols. Schoep admits that the NSM and the Black Panthers are actually alike in that they are both racial separatists. But he sees a double-standard in the government's treatment of the two groups.

"The Black Panthers have been offering bounties and all that," he says. "But if we called for a bounty on someone's head, I guarantee we'd be locked up as quick as I could walk out of my house."

A photo from NSM's website
Schoep was also quick to clarify that he isn't taking sides in Trayvon Martin's controversial shooting. "That's for the courts to decide," he says. Besides, Schoep says, Zimmerman's not even white.

"I think there is some confusion going on," Schoep says. "A lot of people think that this guy who shot Trayvon was white... but he's half Hispanic or Cuban or something. He certainly doesn't look white to me."

To some, sending in the storm troops seems like a sure way to incite -- not prevent -- a race riot. But Schoep says that's way off base.

"We don't wish for things like that," he says. "But there have been race riots in Detroit and L.A... So we know those types of things happen."

"You can either be prepared or you can be blindsided," he adds. "This way, if something were to touch off a race riot, we'd already be in the area."

How reassuring.

Follow Miami New Times on Facebook and Twitter @MiamiNewTimes. Follow this journalist on Twitter @MikeMillerMiami.

April 05, 2012

Hawthorne Headhunters | Myriad Of Now Album Release

Tef Poe x Killer Mike- Wrist Game Proper

Featured in  XXLMAG.COM 's "The Break" Tef Poe is quickly becoming one of hip hop's most promising young prospects. Inspired his brand of brute honesty and hardcore storytelling this is "Wrist Game Proper" featuring the iconic Killer Mike
Wrist Game Proper music produced by Tech Supreme
filmed by Sevin @showlovepromo
edited by Aztech Productions
directed by Nato Caliph
Killer Mike appears Courtesy of Grand Hustle/Grind Time Rap Gang

Kanye West Ft. DJ Khaled- Theraflu

Ye dropped this off at HOT97 last night. The cover art for the single is done by George Condo. Enjoy. He disses PETA, Kris Humphrey's, and anyone else that thinks they can dress better than him.

March 17, 2012


It's been a long time. I've been praying and asking for guidance. I have gone through so many storms and obstacles over the past few years. These trails and tribulations God has put me through were only meant to make me a better person and a stronger individual. There are great things in store for me, my family, and my friends. The growth process can be challenging at times, but faith, dedication and hard work will help you endure and overcome. I "Blacked Out" so hard to the point that I had to "Play It By Ear". I took some time away and came back "New & Improved". Soon I will address you all and convey the current "State Of The Art". -Black

March 10, 2012

The Step

"Take it back like Black, but I mean Corey..."-Black Spade

Growing up, this was my favorite hairstyle. It's crazy to me that kids today try to rock this same cut. It looked good in 1992. I'm praying this haircut doesn't make a comeback though. I did this joking around before I hacked my hair off. Do not attempt this if you don't remember watching Super Dave.

March 01, 2012


Don't know how I found this video, but it's probably the dopest thing I have seen in a while.

February 24, 2012

The Poet

Been seeing these circulate, figured I would make one. Enjoy

February 19, 2012


I been embracing this whole concept of getting older lately, and to be quite honest, its kind cool. I personally don't see myself as a style expert, nor do I have the devotion to tell other grown men how to dress, but I do get complimented on my attire quite often. to say the least, I just try to dress my age.

My girlfriend found this awesome men's camel blazer at the thrift store on her lunch break one afternoon last fall and I finally decided to free it out the closet. This is the outcome.

Jacket: Thrifted Teverton Camel Blazer: $8
Shirt: EXPRESS Extra Slim Fitted 1MX: $59.95
Tie: Thrifted Oscar De La Renta: $2
Pants: H&M Slim Fit: $15
Shoes: Johnston&Murphy Aldrich II Captoe: $275 (but I got em for $14 at the thrift sto')

February 16, 2012

Whitney Houston I Have Nothing (Beautiful Fade Tribute) - Teresajenee x KevinK

This is a very soothing cover of I Have Nothing. TJ and Kevin made this song very intimate. Whitney is smiling, I know I am.

February 11, 2012


Feels like every week I am posting a Rest In Paradise blog. So many great people are passing over. Makes life that much more perishable. Gotta savor these moments here. RIP Whitney, you will definitely be missed.

February 08, 2012

How To Wash Your Face

So the other day I noticed I had a few gray hairs in my nostrils and couldn't believe my eyes. I am aging. Its a harsh reality to deal with, but I ain't trippin'. Just means I'm becoming a man, and as a man, its certain things I do:

I pay bills
I work
I take out the trash
I use my girlfriend's face soap.

Let's keep it real, I don't want to look like the world has got the best of me at 29. So what I dabble in her products. She uses that stuff to stay young looking for me, the least I can do is continue looking like the guy she saw when she met me a few years ago. Its nothing wrong with me using her exfoliation brush to loosen up any possible ingrown hairs in my beard, or applying some Apricot Scrub to get that gym sweat off my face... is it?

If it is a problem, so be it. All's I know is that stuff makes me feel clean. It's not like I'm sleeping in a face mask, I'm just trying to keep my hygiene up to par.

Fellas, don't be afraid to use that soap in that Desert Essence bottle.


 For the most part, I don't know too many people form my city that has heard the story of Ota Benga. A sad life that ended in tragedy to say the least. Read up on his story below. Know your history.

 -taken from wikipedia
Ota Benga (circa 1883 – March 20, 1916) was a Congolese Mbuti pygmy known for being featured with other Africans in an anthropology exhibit at the Louisiana Purchase Exposition in St. Louis, Missouri in 1904, and later in a controversial human zoo exhibit at New York City's Bronx Zoo in 1906. Benga had been freed from slave traders in the Congo by the missionary Samuel Phillips Verner, who had taken him to Missouri. At the Bronx Zoo, Benga had free run of the grounds before and after he was "exhibited" in the zoo's Monkey House. The display was intended to promote the contemporary concepts of human evolution and scientific racism.

African-American newspapers around the nation carried editorials strongly opposing Benga's treatment. Dr. R.S. MacArthur, the spokesperson for a delegation of black churches, petitioned the New York City mayor for his release. The mayor released Benga to the custody of Reverend James M. Gordon, who supervised the Howard Colored Orphan Asylum in Brooklyn and made him a ward. That same year Gordon arranged for Benga to be cared for in Virginia, where he paid for him to acquire American clothes and to have his teeth capped, so the young man could be part of society. Benga was tutored in English and began to work. When, several years later, the outbreak of World War I stopped passenger travel on the oceans and prevented his returning to Africa, he became depressed. He committed suicide in 1916 at the age of 32.
A member of the Mbuti people, Ota Benga lived in equatorial forests near the Kasai River in what was then the Belgian Congo. His people were killed by the Force Publique, established by King Leopold II of Belgium as a militia to control the natives and to exploit the large supply of rubber in the Congo. Benga lost his wife and two children, surviving only because he was away on a hunting expedition when the Force Publique attacked his village. He was later captured by slavers.
The American businessman and missionary Samuel Phillips Verner was sent to Africa in 1904 under contract from the Louisiana Purchase Exposition (St. Louis World Fair) to bring back an assortment of pygmies to be part of an exhibition. To demonstrate the fledgling discipline of anthropology, the noted scientist W. J. McGee, intended to display "representatives of all the world's peoples, ranging from smallest pygmies to the most gigantic peoples, from the darkest blacks to the dominant whites" to show a sort of cultural evolution. Verner discovered Ota Benga while en route to a Batwa village visited previously; he negotiated Benga's release for a pound of salt and a bolt of cloth.The two spent several weeks together before reaching the village, where the abuses of King Leopold's forces had instilled mistrust for the muzungu (white man). Verner was unable to persuade any villagers to join him until Benga spoke of how the muzungu had saved his life, the bond that had grown between them, and his own curiosity about the world Verner came from. Four Batwa, all male, ultimately accompanied them; five non-pygmies from the Bakuba (including the son of King Ndombe, ruler of the Bakuba) and related peoples "Red Africans" as they were collectively labeled by contemporary anthropologists came as well.

Click here to learn more about the life of Ota Benga

February 07, 2012


So facebook has yet again tried to mess up my day. Saw this post earlier that tried to compare men's fashion of the 1950's to Souljah Boy and Bow Wow?!? That's like comparing Miles Davis to Waka Flocka. True, there was a lot more standard back in the day, but there was also less crack, weed, heroin, cocaine, and meth.

Needless to say I felt a bit offended. Even though images of young black men tend to make them look pathetic, chances are society is to blame. Let's not be naive, the fact stands that there are still conservative, stylish, cultured brothers in this generation. This is my reply: