As a black man, there are certain things that I can not allow myself to succumb to. One main thing is the dreadful plague known as "Ashyness". Yep, I'm a man, but I do care about the condition of my skin, as should any other men. I enjoy looking good, smelling good, and above all, feeling good. Just as much as I pay attention to the food I put inside my body, I have to give the same to what I put on it.
I've been buying the products they have been whippin up at Belle Butters for some time now. Of course, like most brothas, I kept the jar of Palmer's Cocoa Butter on deck, but I have long surpassed the standardized methods and upgraded to some Grade A Shea Butter. They say black don't crack, and the Unyevu Butter will see to it that it doesn't.

It's the winter time, and I can't be walking around looking like I got into an altercation with a bag of flour. If you haven't had the opportunity to check out this product ,don't wait, head over to bellebutters.com and throw it in the bag. Get this in your life, like now.